I Arrested My Future Wife After Our First Night Together

Описание к видео I Arrested My Future Wife After Our First Night Together

Watch this emotional cartoon animation to see how a man had to arrest a girl after their first night together.

The man from this story was a cop, and when he found out that the woman he met was a call girl, he detained her. But he could see in her eyes how scared she was... When she asked him to stop at a gas station so she could use the restroom, he did. Taking advantage of his kindness, the girl ran away, but he managed to find her at the same bar from before. He grabbed her with the intention of taking her down to the police station, but a large man appeared out of nowhere and beat the cop up.

Upon regaining consciousness, he found a note in his pocket left by the aggressor with an appointed time and place to meet...

#animatters #LoveMatters #animatedstories


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