Three Things You Should Know About Eating Creatively | 江振誠 Andre Chiang | TEDxTaipei

Описание к видео Three Things You Should Know About Eating Creatively | 江振誠 Andre Chiang | TEDxTaipei

對一個好的廚師來說,好的料理不只需要好的烹飪技巧,更需要好的創意。而創意並不是無中生有,而是用對方法提煉。江振誠從料理食物的角度提出好創意必定會有的三個要素:Core、Relevance、 Connectability。包含收集正確的資訊、暸解為何而做、以及情感和功能上的滿足。

Chef André Chiang has a philosophy of using only the freshest of seasonal produce. Having made an indelible impression on the Singapore culinary scene since its opening in late 2010, Restaurant André was recently listed in the coveted San Pellegrino World’s 100 Best Restaurants. New York Times mentions the restaurant as the top 10 restaurants in the world worth a plane ride while Wallpaper magazine places André as one of the world’s best young chefs.


This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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