A Japanese digital detox writer talks about the simple phone "PUNKT"♥!

Описание к видео A Japanese digital detox writer talks about the simple phone "PUNKT"♥!

Hello! I'm Mikan Oshidari.

I'm a Japanese author.

I got a Dumbphone for my mental health after getting addicted to my smartphone, and I'm writing a book about my experience.

The title is

"I want to stop being a slave to my smartphone."

I only have a Japanese version, but my goal is to translate and publish it in English and other languages ​​around the world!


Today I'd like to introduce a great phone to you all. It's called "punkt."♥

I'm not good at English. But I want to tell the world about the dangers of smartphone addiction and the good points of the dumbphone.

That's why I write emails and letters overseas.

I rarely get a reply, though. I exchanged messages with a Swiss company that makes a digital detox phone.

It was my first time sending international mail, and I was excited.

I think about it when I make an English video, post it on YouTube, and get comments,

but... Digital detox isn't well known in Japan yet.

But I'm glad that there are people who sympathize with the comments here.

Even though we are from different countries, it's reassuring to know that there are people who feel the same way.

The other day, I received a wonderful gift for my birthday!

This is the punkt phone!

It's cute, very simple, and easy to use!!

A great model!
I think a lot of people want a model like this now.

Smartphones have become popular and have become very convenient, but a simple phone like this is good for mental health.

Smartphone addiction is a very serious problem in Japan for both children and adults.

But it's not taken seriously, so it's hard to raise the issue.

Smartphone addiction is becoming the majority.
Society pressures people to "absolutely need a smartphone." They're being forced to.

Everyone is always looking down and looking at a small screen.
The title of my book is "Smartphones.

There are a lot of "smartphone slaves" in the world today.

I think you should use whatever you like.
It's fine for teenagers to use dumbphones and for the elderly to use the latest smartphones.
If you like it! If you want to use it!

I definitely want to use a simple phone like this!

I worry when I go out without a way to contact people,
but like a smartphone, I don't need games, videos, news, or social media apps.

So this phone is perfect!

I want more people to know about that!

Aren't you tired of digital and smartphones?

I'm tired, so I'm glad I got a dumbphone!

As digital becomes more widespread, it's convenient, but very tiring.
I think we'll go back to analog.

Why not take care of your mental health instead of scrolling through endless screens?
Receive the minimum amount of communication on dumbphone. By email or phone.
And enjoy your free time.

A great Dumbphone "PUNKT"! Why not take care of your mental health instead of endless scrolling?

Recently, some mobile phone shops in Japan don't even sell dumbphones.
It's so sad.
I switched to a dumbphone and overcame my smartphone addiction, but if I get a smartphone again, I'll be addicted again.
Because addiction is scary.
Many people want a digital detox, and there are also elderly people and people with disabilities who cannot use smartphones, so I hope they continue to make simple models.













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