Namashai yoga ‘Natural DMT Activation - Guided Breathwork Mix‘ MR.TRAUMATIK

Описание к видео Namashai yoga ‘Natural DMT Activation - Guided Breathwork Mix‘ MR.TRAUMATIK

Immune system & energy boosting breath-work exercise!

Please do not take part in the exercise without permission from a medical professional if you have any of the following contradictions*:

-Severe or critical disease/infection
-Organ failure or terminal illness
-If you have a pacemaker, epilepsy or an irregular heart beat

*You can still take part in the rhythmic breathing, eliminating the breath hold phase if you do have any of the above – with the correct supervision & guidance.

A brief introduction into the Science of Breath work

Breathing is something we have never really been taught how to do properly, we each breath from a natural instinct to survive, keeping the primitive part of the brain in constant activation – living in that never ending ‘fight or flight’ response mode. Well, that all changes now – because with this exercise you will learn to reclaim your own life and become the alchemist of your own physiology.

Keep in mind that the more you breathe – the more you tire!

So, put simply; the aim of this practice is to help you achieve a constant state of conscious breathing, slowing your breath rate down to 4-6 breaths per minute which in turn will bring a life of vitality and LONGEVITY!

Like the waves as they draw in and out upon the shore, your breath should always be SMOOTH AND CONSISTENT WITHOUT ANY PAUSES.

Rhythmic breathing & breath hold exercises create states of INTERMITTENT HYPOXIA, and here are some of the benefits related;
-Production of P53 (Repair cells & Cancer fighting cells)
-Creates lower than normal blood oxygen levels which keeps a healthy blood stream and encourages cell movement.
-Strengthens Immunity
-Encourages regeneration & Body healing
-Encourages growth of nervous tissue
-Strengthens lungs
-Improves respiratory & cardiovascular health

What feelings you might expect? They are all totally normal – DON’T PANIC!

-Tingling sensations
-Light headedness
-Muscle Cramps
-Psychedelic like visuals
-Outer body experience
-Surges of energy
-Increased adrenaline levels
-Calm mind state
-Release of trapped emotions (Happy, Sad, Sexual – surrender and let them go!)
-Orgasmic like sensations

So, what effects does this have in the chemistry of our bodies?!

-You can expect raised levels of feel good hormones and neural transmitters such as;
-The same affect as DMT is produced giving psychedelic & visual experiences.
-An Alpha-State frequency is created.
-Balances all chemical disturbances
-Balances & regulates hormones.


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