Safeguarding Adults in the Care Home

Описание к видео Safeguarding Adults in the Care Home

BVS training has now branched into an eLearning platform, " ‪@CareTutor‬ " to make learning more efficient for care workers. We have surpassed 1,000,000 online course completions so far.

Visit our website today to learns more:

Check out our comprehensive course on Safeguarding adults in Care home :

Endorsed by ‪@skillsforcare‬ 🎖️ and CPD accredited ✅

What is ‪@CareTutor‬ ?

We are the only eLearning platform in the UK using live-action and animated videos in our interactive courses, increasing engagement and retention from our learners. All courses include interactive knowledge checks, assessments and CPD certification, supported by a user-friendly training matrix to give you the best learning experience.

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This training resource is now available for FREE UK delivery:
This excellent resource provides fully up to date guidance on how to safeguard the welfare of older people within care homes. Filmed entirely in real care settings this title will explain to workers what abuse is and how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse. Depicting dramatic scenes of abuse this title will help bring the realities of adult abuse to life, teaching care workers why abuse should never be ignored.

This video and supporting materials provide information on the 10 types of abuse recognised by the Care Act and the 6 Principles of Safeguarding.

Subjects covered include:

Role of the Carer in Maintaining a Culture which Safeguards the Individual
Legislation and Policy
Concept and Definition of Abuse Using Illustrated Examples, Categories & Prevalence
Principles of Abuse
Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
Responding to Abuse

Dr Barry Wilson PhD, BA, CQSW

High-quality care starts with high-quality care training

#CareTutor #careworkers #careworker #carers #carer #elearning #personcentredcare #caresector #cpdaccredited #caregiving #safeguardingadults


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