Самый опасный фольклор на скале | Плотные коттеджи на скалах | Удивительные места в Китае

Описание к видео Самый опасный фольклор на скале | Плотные коттеджи на скалах | Удивительные места в Китае

In Tianshui County, Gansu Province, China, there are surprisingly rows of small houses situated along the cliffs, which look precarious, as if they are at risk of collapsing at any time. What is even more shocking is that the doors of these houses are tightly closed, and the doorway of each house is carefully crafted with green bricks and glazed tiles, as if it were a fine artifact. Such a disparity in terrain, coupled with the exquisite design of the houses, is simply mind-boggling.

How did people get up on such a cliff with no road access? Not to mention how were these houses built? And what was their special purpose? All of these questions intrigued me. What was the special significance of these houses being built in such a dangerous place, and why were they chosen to be built in such a treacherous environment? These unanswered questions make one can't help but be interested in the process of their construction and the stories behind them.


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