Home Health Care Services | Nursing Care at Home | Calling Bell Health Care

Описание к видео Home Health Care Services | Nursing Care at Home | Calling Bell Health Care

About Calling Bell Geriatric Medical Centre:
Here at Calling Bell, we understand the essential relationship between Care and Cure. That’s why, over the course of 8 years, we have worked to create intuitive ecosystems for recovery within the comfort of a patient’s home - recovery on their own terms, surrounded by the people they love.
Across curative treatments like rehabilitation and physiotherapy, palliative care for the elderly, chronic care plans for patients with lifestyle diseases, and specialty services like intensive care, we believe in the power of one-on-one care. Where every treatment plan co-created with specialists is as personalized as possible because no two roads to recovery are the same.

There is no better place for care than in the comfort your own home.
Healing in the comfort of one's own home with the complete care and attention of loved ones is something that all of us look forward to. But continuing treatment from home may necessitate frequent hospital visits, especially for daily medications and procedures. This means, a lot of traveling, traffic struggles and long waiting lines.
At Calling Bell Health Care, we bring you experienced and state-certified nurses who visit your home for all procedures such as injections, infusions, wound dressing, catheterization, vital checks, vaccinations, etc. ensuring the highest quality of treatment at home.

For More Details Visit our Webpage: www.callingbellhealthcare.com

Karukutty P.O,
Ernakulam Dist., Kerala, India 683576

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