Train Sim World 3 - PRR Signal Progression @ Trenton / FAIR Interlocking

Описание к видео Train Sim World 3 - PRR Signal Progression @ Trenton / FAIR Interlocking

Inspired by @PositionLight 's videos, here's one for example:    • Amtrak AEM-7 #950 Departs Trenton wit...   , I decided to capture a signal progression in Train Sim World 3 "Northeast Corridor: New York - Trenton."

This section of the Northeast Corridor utilizes primarily Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) Signals with Color Position Lights (CPL / Green, Yellow, Red).

My train in this timetable service is The Pennsylvanian # 42, eastbound to New York Penn Station. The signal progresses from Stop (Red) to Medium Approach (Solid Red over Flashing Yellow) then finally Medium Clear (Solid Red over Green) for a split second before I pass it.

I'm playing this on my Xbox One.
I'm also aware that both the Pennsylvanian's consist is inaccurate, and the platform is longer in real life. I didn't make the game, I only play it. So don't hate the player, hate the game.

0:00 - 0:05 | PRR Stop Signal
0:06 - 1:19 | PRR Medium Approach Signal
1:20 - 1:42 | PRR Medium Clear Signal
1:43 - 2:21 | Signal reverts to stop as the train passes it

#Amtrak #ACS64 #TrainSimWorld3
#AmtrakPennsylvanian #PennsylvaniaRailroad #PRR


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