天福宫妈祖庙,新加坡第一座华人庙宇。光绪皇帝亲赐御书,古人的建筑艺术体现的淋漓尽致Thian Hock Keng, the first Chinese temple in Singapore

Описание к видео 天福宫妈祖庙,新加坡第一座华人庙宇。光绪皇帝亲赐御书,古人的建筑艺术体现的淋漓尽致Thian Hock Keng, the first Chinese temple in Singapore

新加坡天福宫,也叫妈祖庙天后庙。200年的历史,保佑着南来北往的异乡人,见证了新加坡从小渔村发展到国际一流国家。Singapore Thian Hock Keng Temple, also known as Mazu Temple Tianhou Temple. The 200-year history has preserved the foreigners who are always on the move and witnessed the development of Singapore from a small fishing village to a world-class country.


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