Wildcard SSL Certificates using Apache + Route53 + Lets Encrypt...Let's go!

Описание к видео Wildcard SSL Certificates using Apache + Route53 + Lets Encrypt...Let's go!

Do you use apache?
Do you use AWS Route 53?
Do you want to get a star cert to use SSL on everything?

Let's setup apache to use lets encrypt and setup automated star certs on a domain hosted in AWS Route 53!

Commands from the video:

install certbot
sudo snap install --classic certbot

set symlink for certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

allow certbot to run properly
sudo snap set certbot trust-plugin-with-root=ok

install certbot dns agent for route 53
sudo snap install certbot-dns-route53

Page with certbot route53 Policy:

open and set aws config file:
sudo nano ~/.aws/config

move to apache sites-available
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

create new site virtual host:
sudo nano sitename.conf

Get site config:

Add site to apache
sudo a2ensite sitename.conf

reload apache:
sudo systemctl reload apache2

Get cert from let's encrypt:
sudo certbot run --dns-route53 -d "sitename.com" -d "*.sitename.com" -i apache

Run certbot dry run to test if it can update certs automatically
sudo certbot run --dry-run --dns-route53 -d "sitename.com" -d "*.sitename.com" -i apache


Информация по комментариям в разработке