1 Hour Taize Hymns Piano Cover

Описание к видео 1 Hour Taize Hymns Piano Cover

A double anniversary in Taizé (20th August 2020): the 80th anniversary of Brother Roger’s first arrival in Taizé on August 20th, 1940, and the 15th anniversary of his death on August 16th, 2005.

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   / @maranathacontemplativemusic  
Song list:
Adoramus te o Christe (We adore You Lord, Jesus Christ) 我們敬拜袮主耶穌
Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele (Sing to the Lord, all my being) 我的靈魂歌頌天父
Ubi Caritas (Where true charity) 何處有仁
El Senyor (In the Lord) 在主內
Bless the Lord 讚美我上主
Viešpatie, tu viską žinai (All my heart lies open to you) 上主祢知悉我所有
Nada te turbe (Nothing can trouble) 不再有憂慮
Christe Salvator (Christ the Saviour) 我們的救主
Laudate omnes gentes (Sing praises, all you peoples) 上主袮當受讚美
Gloria x Veni Spirito creatore (Gloria x Come Creator Spirit) 光榮歸於上主 x 聖神創造者
Tui amoris ignem (Holy Spirit Come to Us) 仁愛之神請降臨
Iedere nacht verlang ik (My Spirit yearns for You in the night) 漫漫長夜我靈渴慕袮上主, O Lord hear our prayer 求主俯聽我, Mon âme se repose 我心靈平靜安憩在主內
The Kingdom of God 上主的國
Jesus Christ, bread of life 主基督, 生命糧
Jésus le Christ (Jesus Your light) 耶穌基督
In te confido (Lord God I trust you) 我們堅信袮
Bonum est confidere, Misericordias Domini (It is good to trust and hope in the Lord, I will sing forever the mercy of God) 信任上主是多麼美好, 歌頌主的慈愛
Christe, lux mundi (Christ You are light) 基督照世真光
Nothing can ever 愛永不分開
Confitemini Domino (Give thanks to the Lord) 請大家讚美上主
Let all who are thirsty come 讓口渴的人到來
Aber du weißt den Weg für mich (God, gather and turn my thoughts to You) 主, 我該走的路袮知道
Magnificat (Sing out my soul) 衷心讚美


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