One Moment, One Purpose: Tapping into True Intensity

Описание к видео One Moment, One Purpose: Tapping into True Intensity

One Moment, One Purpose: Tapping into True Intensity. This is about 5D intensity, not the rushing around from point A to point B that is 3D intensity. This is about being in the here and now, not thinking about ½ a zillion things. It’s a whole different thing. Try it. #spirituality #energywork #consciouscreation #5Dintensity #presence #oneness #beherenow #singlefocus #higherawareness #innerpeace #mindfulness #divineconnection #nowmoment #5Dexperience #spiritualgrowth #intensityofbeing #purefocus #souljourney #sourceconnection #awakenedliving #beyondthemind #holisticenergy #livefully #selfrealization #consciousawareness #sacredpresence #energeticalignment #higherfrequency


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