ACNL 100% is at a huge risk of ending because of this...

Описание к видео ACNL 100% is at a huge risk of ending because of this...

UPDATE: I ended up just making a new save file and copying the map data over and hacking in every single thing I had before. Should've put this here months ago but forgot till now. Also, BACK UP YOUR SAVE DATA SO THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Sadly since Nintendo doesn't allow legit backups of ACNL you have to use homebrew.

Homebrew link: (follow the steps on there and put in your version, as I'm typing this the current version is 11.10 but there's a way to hack still don't worry. If you're still confused, there's plenty of yt videos and other sources that can help setting this up. After that you should find the save data backup tool and follow the steps on installing that. After that just backup your save file and put it on your computer somewhere safe.)

Yeah, this is really bad.

So I was going to start recording another ACNL 100% video when all of a sudden I get this. Save Data Corrupted. I have no idea how this could have happened. Here's the thing, I know there is a solution to fixing this, but I think it only works on the original version and the reason is because I can't open the garden_plus.dat file in the ACNL save editor (yes you have to use Homebrew for it since you backup the save data) and I'm guessing why is because it's corrupted. It's really strange why this happens here but for the original version I saw someone try it and it worked. Here's the video I saw btw:    • Tutorial: Animal Crossing New Leaf Re...  

SO... it's not completely over yet, but there's a chance it is. I really wish I backed up my data on this but I guess I never thought of the possibility of it happening for real. If any of you all have an idea on how to make this method work with welcome amiibo please let me know, this really sucks and I really wanted to finish this series. :(


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