Flatland Brewing Company, 3 Beer Review. Local Beer Buzz Craft Beer Reviews

Описание к видео Flatland Brewing Company, 3 Beer Review. Local Beer Buzz Craft Beer Reviews

If you haven't heard of Flatland Brewing Company this episode will be a treat. Their beers are revered and highly sought after for a reason. Come pop open a Bee and relax, as we take you through 3 different Epically Delicious Beers from Flatland Brewing Company.

Thank Hop Hero Homebrew Supply, LLC for sponsoring todays video. Check them out at www.hophero.com and use the Promo Code LOCALBEERBUZZ to save 10% of your order.

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#CraftBeervsDomesticBeer #CraftvsDomestic #SacramentoBeerscene
#EpicBeerReview #CraftBeerReview #Blindfolds #Hotopic #Blindfoldedjudge
#SacramentoBeerShow #SacramentoLocalBeer
#HopHerohomebrewSupply #LocalBeerReview #DrinkLocal

Have an idea for the show or a Beer we should try? Contact us at [email protected]

Sound effects from Zapsplat.com and Filmora 9. Plus additional Art and coloring from Canva


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