WolfenDoom/Stein: Blade of Agony Addons | Personal Addon & Confiscated Weapons! | Trailer

Описание к видео WolfenDoom/Stein: Blade of Agony Addons | Personal Addon & Confiscated Weapons! | Trailer


I tend to have a preference when it comes to various sounds, models, or sprites when playing games/mods. As a result, it's usually inevitable that I end up modifying the lot until they fit with the things I like. If the thing's possible to be modded, anyways. Stuff like highres SFX with punchier sounding guns, different sprites, or just about any particular nitpick that I could fix directly on my end. And so, this personal addon of mine was made as an answer to how I preferred BoA to look and sound.


Something that comes up in my mind every now and then when playing BoA is the lack of certain mainstay WW2 weapons. Apparently, this was in the minds of several others too, and I had wondered if it is possible to reintegrate Nazis! weapons back to BoA somehow. I eventually managed it, along with some more. That's really all I've got to say about this lil' thing. There's more history in the weapons code themselves, if you're interested in that. You'll find these weapons along with their ammunition in specially marked crates that now replace the barrels that'd normally give you items and not blow up in your face. It's all random chance, they're deliberately made rare, the new weapons are prioritized over the old ones in selection, and you lose them at the end of a mission like the rest of your vanilla equipment, so use 'em if you find 'em! Don't be shy!



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