General Trivia IQ challenge

Описание к видео General Trivia IQ challenge

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Question 1 : What dogs do the royal family traditionally have?
Answer a: Boxer
Answer b: Corgi
Answer c: Mastiff
Answer d: Pointer

Question 2 : Which of these is a mobile OS software used on smartphone and tablet devices?
Answer a: Android
Answer b: Droid
Answer c: Machine Droid
Answer d: Science 1

Question 3 : What is the name of Elon Musk's company?
Answer a: Tandy
Answer b: Tesla
Answer c: Tecla
Answer d: Tonality

Question 4 : Which of these bodies of water does not wash the shores of the United Kingdom?
Answer a: Atlantic Ocean
Answer b: Irish Sea
Answer c: North Sea
Answer d: Pacific Ocean

Question 5 : If a vehicle is traveling at 80km/h for two hours and 70km/h for two hours – how far will it travel?
Answer a: 290km
Answer b: 300km
Answer c: 310km
Answer d: 320km

Question 6 : What is half of 42, plus 87?
Answer a: 108
Answer b: 109
Answer c: 110
Answer d: 111

Question 7 : What is 57% in decimal form?
Answer a: 0.5700000000000003
Answer b: 0.05700000000000003
Answer c: 0.005700000000000003
Answer d: 0.0005700000000000003

Question 8 : What does multum
mean in English?
Answer a: crime
Answer b: fatherland
Answer c: much
Answer d: to carry off

Question 9 : Which of these is a neurodegenerative disorder?
Answer a: Epilepsy
Answer b: Myocarditis
Answer c: Myocardial infarction
Answer d: Parkinson's disease

Question 10 : Where is the setting for the 1968 adaptation of 'Romeo and Juliet'?
Answer a: Carpi
Answer b: Mantua
Answer c: Trento
Answer d: Verona

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