
Описание к видео #BringTheShowRoomToYou

香港寶馬車主會聯同寶馬香港, 將陳列室帶到會員屋企。打響頭炮第一集 #BringTheShowRoomToYou, 我哋有 520iA Luxury。
兩位會員: James 同埋 Helen, 親身講述佢哋試完 520iA Luxury 嘅感受, 同埋喺鏡頭面前披露佢哋喜歡寶馬嘅原因。
如果想我哋繼續為大家帶嚟更加多嘅 #BringTheShowRoomToYou, 記得睇完片之後 Like 同 Share我哋呢條片, 同埋 Subscribe 我哋嘅 YouTube channel !

寶馬5系詳細資料: https://5series.bmwhk.com/tc/?utm_med...

BMW Car Club Owners Zones Hong Kong supported by BMW Hong Kong, created the first ever #BringTheShowRoomToYou. We brought the all new BMW 520iA Luxury to our members, James & Helen. Besides their test drive report, they also disclosed their reasons of loving BMW.
Remember to Like & Share our video and MUST Subscribe our channel.

More information about BMW 5 series: https://5series.bmwhk.com/tc/?utm_med...

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