Dreamweaver 織夢者 / Ola Gjeilo - 青韵合唱團 Ching-Yun Choir

Описание к видео Dreamweaver 織夢者 / Ola Gjeilo - 青韵合唱團 Ching-Yun Choir

〈Dreamweaver 織夢者〉

詞:Charles Anthony Silvestri
曲:Ola Gjeilo


作曲家耶洛( Ola Gjeilo, b. 1978) 出生於挪威,畢業於奧斯陸音樂學院;2001 年移居美國紐約,2006 年畢業於紐約茱莉亞音樂學院,獲得作曲碩士文憑,擅長演奏鋼琴,並熱衷於鋼琴與室內樂即興表演;創作除了鋼琴曲和管弦樂曲之外,也包括可觀的合唱曲。他從電影配樂得到大量創作靈感,在音樂作品裡往往反映出他個人對於電影藝術的偏愛。 耶洛的音樂風格空靈、純淨,從宗教音樂與北歐的風土、素材中擷取養分。
《織夢者》 是耶洛受到 Halgrim Thon 之委託而創作, 2014 年由曼哈頓合唱團 (Manhattan Chorale) 於紐約市卡內基音樂廳首演。歌詞根據知名的挪威中世紀民俗詩 《夢境詩篇》( Draumkvedet) 而來,《夢境詩篇》 是具有史詩性質的敘事歌謠, 許多方面與旦丁( DanteAlighieri, 1265-1321 ) 的《神曲》 有異曲同工之妙。 在故事中,主人翁歐拉夫 (Olaf Åsteson) 自耶誕夜開始沉睡了十三天, 直到主顯節 (Epiphany) 才醒來, 一醒來他就立刻衝往教會, 向會眾們述說他夢境中勇敢、美麗、震天駭地、而最終又充滿著救贖的來世之旅。 耶洛的創作採用了美國詩人席爾維斯特里( Charles Anthony Silvestri, b. 1965) 的《夢境詩篇》英譯版本。
耶洛的《織夢者》 包含了七個樂章,共二十分鐘左右的樂曲長度,編制為混聲八部合唱團、弦樂團、女高音獨唱、 以及小提琴獨奏, 整體體現了耶洛的音樂風格, 以空靈的聲 響引人進入具有奇幻意味的史詩場景。 第一樂章〈序幕〉(Prologue) 為全曲的開場白, 旁觀者說出「 我將唱出神聖的景象」 為起始, 告知觀眾歐拉夫經歷了沉睡十三天的神奇夢境, 耶洛以帶聖詠性質的純粹合唱和聲輔以弦樂作為序言。
第二樂章〈夢境之歌〉(Dreamsong) 女聲以如同天使般的歌聲私語呢喃「夢境」 主題,同時加入小提琴獨奏與女高音獨唱應和;中段為以鋼琴主導的邁向未知旅程「 前進」主題作為間奏,而後女聲天使之音再現加入, 歐拉夫述說著旅程之始的崎嶇荒地開端。
第三樂章〈橋〉(The Bridge) 一開頭即以嚴酷的五拍不規則節奏預示出旅程中的冒險場景,「 有獸盤據, 夜幕籠罩」, 聲樂與弦樂各聲部漸次加入並加強力度, 推升至合唱與 弦樂展現出嶄新的廣闊意象, 強烈呼喊「 那橋延展橫跨一整片冰洋」, 乃是通往樂園之橋;最高潮處帶入了胸懷激昂的「 征服」 主題, 象徵以堅定的心志克服萬難, 達到旅程的 美善之岸, 登上樂園之橋;後段以「 拱橋」 音型、「 征服」 主題、 與會眾的切分襯托音型交織, 傳達橋上之景象與漫遊之心境。 第四樂章為樂團〈間奏〉, 鋼琴輕柔地彈出「征服主題」,弦樂以和聲相和,以釋然之心態回首旅程之艱辛。
第五樂章〈樂園〉(The Paradise) 以「聖母」主題形象娓娓道來,平穩的四拍節奏與帶有包容性質的旋律線條, 在樂園中以無盡的恩典將所有的疲憊與罪愆幻化於無形,女高音獨唱卓然而立,顯現出聖母的形象。
第六樂章〈神之領域〉( The Dominion) 基督現身,以第二樂章的「前進」主題與流動的六拍節奏表現審判場景, 所欲傳達的精神為審判是人生歷程之一部分,以降 B 大調以及上揚音型表達勇敢面對審判之心境以及基督的寬厚;中段以後, 以「 夢境」 主題、 帶 八分音符的「 救贖」音型交融出豐滿的樂音, 最終插入的高聲部「 前進」主題,體現出無比的堅定感。 第七樂章為〈終曲〉(Epilogue) 回歸第一樂章的聖詠,首尾呼應,傳頌出

1. 〈Prologue〉
I sing the sacred vision Of the All‐Wise Wanderer,
The Weaver of Dreams.
On Christmas Eve he fell asleep
So deep, so deep,
And woke upon *Epiphany With tales to tell.
He hurried to the holy Mass
And stood upon the threshold;
The warp and weft of wandering
He wove into his tale.

And this was his dreamsong: My journey began
in a rugged land,
Hard and fast
And unforgiving
I made my way.

3. 〈The Bridge〉
Beasts there were,
And wilder things,
And shades of night Were in that land;
I was afraid.
The monster’s claws
Tore at my cloak;
With piercing eyes
They saw my soul.
I ran away.
For many leagues
I traveled west Until at last —
My journey’s end — I saw the Bridge!
Stretching out Across the sky,
The way was barred To all but wise.
I went across.
The bridge was spanned across a sea of ice —
A silver band, a way to Paradise.
A fair wide land did open up at last;
I stopped to stand where
Future reckons Past.
And in that place the Pilgrim Church did rise
Where, full of grace, our Holy Mother wise
Bade me embrace her heart of gold and red;
And o’er her face a loving smile was spread.
I met a man, whose coat was stained in blood,
All mired was he, up to his knees in mud;
he held a frightened child under his arm,
And bitterly he wept for causing harm.

4. 〈Intermezzo〉

5. 〈Paradise〉
She spoke in gentle tone and bade me go
Where every sin is known,
where cold winds blow,
Unto the very throne of God to see
Where sorrow is unknown,
forgiveness, free.

6. 〈Dominion〉
And through darkness appeared the Christ,
wreathed in light, flanked by saints
and angels beyond number, and crowned as King and Judge
over all the earth.
The Deceiver turned in fear,
and fled from before the Glory of the
Lord and the Host of Heaven.
Among the souls Who trembled there
Burdened down with sin and fear,
I took my place.
To Christ the Judge St. Michael spoke,
Defending us Despite our shame. I hung my head.
So one by one
We stood alone Before our Maker
And our Judge.
He called my name.
His burning heart Loved away my shame,
And forged my soul Anew by Grace
I was redeemed!

7. 〈Epilogue〉
Cloaked all in lead another fell,
Laden with burdens heavy;
She lost her soul in fear of hell In hope that she might be free.
Others there were by pain ensnared
By their grief and tribulation hoping that they may yet be spared And praying for salvation
He forged their souls Anew by Grace
And all were redeemed.


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