CityU launches “HK Tech 300” 城大HK Tech 300正式啟動

Описание к видео CityU launches “HK Tech 300” 城大HK Tech 300正式啟動

香港城市大學「HK Tech 300」大型創新創業計劃正式啟動!城大將以「創科無限 引領未來」為主題,在未來三年投資5億港元,協助城大學生成立300家初創公司,投資及計劃規模,均是亞洲區內大學之首。
「HK Tech 300」提供專業培訓及種子基金,助學生將創意轉化為初創項目,並為初創項目提供共創空間和天使投資等支持,務求將初創企業培育成為成功的科技企業。城大學生、校友、科研人員,以及有意使用城大知識產權成立初創企業的人士,皆可申請參與「HK Tech 300」。「HK Tech 300」初創計畫獲創新科技署、投資推廣署、科技園公司、數碼港、香港總商會、香港中華總商會、香港工業總會及香港中華廠商聯合會等支持。

CityU has launched "HK Tech 300", a large-scale flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme, with funding of HK$500 million over 3 years. The aim is to equip CityU’s students, alumni and research staff, and members of the public wishing to leverage on the University’s intellectual properties with entrepreneurship skills and to establish 300 start-ups to commercialise CityU research. Under the theme “Venture Beyond Boundaries” and as an incubator, “HK Tech 300” will provide co-working space and angel investment to grow the start-ups into successful tech ventures, aiming to be the largest university-based entrepreneurship programme in Asia. HK Tech 300’s strategic partners include the Innovation and Technology Commission, InvestHK, Science Parks, Cyberport, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Hong Kong Industries and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong.

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