Kog'Maw ADC vs Varus - KR Challenger Patch 9.24

Описание к видео Kog'Maw ADC vs Varus - KR Challenger Patch 9.24

#KogMaw ADC played by KT Aming, #KRChallenger 996 LP
Playlist:    • Kog'Maw - The Mouth of the Abyss  

More information:
Runes: 00:18 (Lethal Tempo)
Damage dealt: 27:29
Ability & Build: 27:18
Skin: Classic Kog'Maw
Match History: https://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegen...
OP.GG: http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=KT...
OP.GG link maybe not working because summoner name has changed!

More replays:
ADC:    • The Carry  
KR Challenger:    • KR Challenger  

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