Brewdog Rip Off Beers | Real Brand vs Aldi Brand Round 3 | Beer Club Ep48 | The Big Daddy D Reviews

Описание к видео Brewdog Rip Off Beers | Real Brand vs Aldi Brand Round 3 | Beer Club Ep48 | The Big Daddy D Reviews

Round 3 of Aldi Brand vs Name Brand - Ding Ding! It's time for Aldi to once again step into the ring to compare their cheeky copycat Own Brand beers with the real thing! First up, it's a clash between the Italian big guns, as Birra Moretti takes on Aldi's Birra Mapelli

Then we have a rematch between Brewdog's Punk IPA and Aldi's Anti-Establishment IPA. With a slight change in both the recipes and the can design from over a year ago, how do they compare now? And how does the latest grapefruit-infused kid on the block, Aldi's Memphis Blvd, compare to the real thing with Brewdog's Elvis Juice??

By the way, this is the very last video that I'd recorded with the old microphone before I bought the new clip-on one I'm currently using. So therefore the audio on this one might not be as good as on my last few videos.

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Music by Kevin MacLeod

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#BeerReview #AldiCraftBeer #brewdog
0:00 - Aldi Brand vs Name Brand
1:52 - Aldi Birra Mapelli Review
3:09 - Birra Moretti Review
5:24 - Aldi vs Brewdog
6:19 - Brewdog Punk IPA Review
7:29 - Aldi Anti-Establishment IPA Review
9:08 - Brewdog Elvis Juice Review
10:36 - Aldi Memphis Blvd Review
12:54 - Conclusion and Social Media Stuff


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