Ustad Ch Sakhi Bhatti K World Famous Saiby Waly and Teddy Pigeons

Описание к видео Ustad Ch Sakhi Bhatti K World Famous Saiby Waly and Teddy Pigeons

Friends, Pigeon Master with another new pigeon video.Ustad Choudhary Sakhi Muhammad Bhatti is a well know personality among the pigeon fancier all over the world.His two world famous pigeons breeds are teddy pigeon and saiby waly pigeons. Both these pigeons breeds have extra ordinary flying and homing ability. Every pigeon fancier wants these pigeons in his loft. These pigeons are performing very well in Pakistan and Gulf countries as well. Hope friends you like this video. Please like and share it and subscribe my you tube channel pigeon master if you wants to watch informative videos about pigeons.


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