The Rockefeller Institute and InUnity Alliance had a conversation on policy options for addressing insurance barriers for substance use disorders and mental healthcare. New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Commissioner Chinazo Cunningham and New York State Office of Mental Health Commissioner Ann Sullivan joined us as keynote speakers.
►[00:00:05] Introductions
🗣 Bob Megna, President, Rockefeller Institute of Government
🗣 Sarah DuVall, Director, Policy Center, InUnity Alliance
► [00:04:59] Overview of Report
🗣 Courtney Burke, Senior Fellow for Health Policy, Rockefeller Institute of Government
► [00:14:46] Welcoming Address
🗣 Karla Lopez, Supervising Attorney, CHAMP, Community Service Society
► [00:32:49] Panel
🗣 Moderator, David Lloyd, Chief Policy Officer, Inseparable
🗣 Joe Katagiri, Deputy Commissioner, Division of Managed Care, NYS Office of Mental Health
🗣 Trishia Allen, General Counsel, NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports
🗣 Trisha Schell-Guy, Director, Division of Eligibility & Marketplace Integration,
NYS Department of Health
🗣 Michael Reisman, Assistant Attorney General, Health Care Bureau, Office of the New York State
Attorney General
► [01:38:56] Introduction of Keynote Speakers
🗣 Courtney Burke, Senior Fellow for Health Policy, Rockefeller Institute of Government
► [01:42:43] Chinazo Cunningham, Commissioner, NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports
► [02:02:32] Ann Sullivan, Commissioner, NYS Office of of Mental Health
► [02:43:15] Closing Remarks
🗣 Sarah DuVall, Director, Policy Center, InUnity Alliance
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