YouTube Copyright Strike vs. Copyright Claim - What's the Difference -
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Have you thought about using video clips or audios in your YouTube videos? Are you concerned about copyright issues if you do? Copyright issues can be confusing and many content creators shy away. But in truth, many channels like cover channels, news, reaction, dance routines, and more, use copyrighted content with no problems.
You just need to understand the difference between a copyright claim and a copyright strike.
When you upload a video to YouTube, YouTube will run programs during processing to search for content that is under copyright. If they find material that is under copyright, the copyright holders may file a copyright claim.
The copyright claim allows the copyright holder to place ads on your video and the money will go to the copyright holder.
If you are not monetized, this has no real effect on you. If you are monetized, you may choose to dispute the claim as fair use (such as in news reports, cover channels, reaction videos, dance covers, etc.) if you believe your content falls under fair use.
A copyright strike is much more serious. There are two types of strikes for YouTube: Community strikes and Community Strikes.
Community Strikes can happen when people upload content that is against YouTube's rules and terms. Copyright Strikes are takedowns over copyrighted material that the copyright owner wants taken down immediately. Usually these strikes are over stealing content but not always.
Sometimes the copyright owner refuses to allow any images or audio of any kind. Fortunately, copyright strikes are fairly rare.
When a channel gets a strike, they will have a three month grace period and after that time, the strike will expire. But if a channel get three strikes, community or copyright in three months, the channel will be deleted.
And also, be aware of fair use. There are copyright claim trolls who try to claim classical compositions that are in Public Domain, so be aware.
In Summary:
1. YouTube copyright strikes are bad! And usually they stem stealing another work uploading in total as their own.
2. A copyright claim only means that the owner of the content can put ads on your videos.
3. If you are not monetized, a copyright claim has no effect on your channel.
4. If you are monetized, you can choose to dispute the copyright claim as fair use.
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Valerie White Williams, YouTube Expert and Creator of YouTube Success Academy, trains coaches, teachers and businesses on how to consistently generate clients without advertising by creating a successful YouTube channel.
A nationally recognized singer and vocal coach, when Valerie first created her YouTube channel over a decade ago, it was so potential voice students could get to know her before booking a lesson. In 2011, her videos went viral which led her to be able to train singers online from all over the world via her YouTube channel. Today, her YouTube channel, Vocal Splendor Studios, has over 79k subscribers and over 18 million views from devoted fans. Now, she teaches others the techniques she used so they too can grow their own YouTube channels.
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