Here are the team of Pokémon in this video, which was decided by the random number generator.
P1 Team: Diglett, Xatu, Bellossom, Magby, Vileplume, Igglybuff
CPU Team: Drowzee, Poliwrath, Cloyster, Blissey, Kingdra, Kangaskhan
Then, I will list the moves for each Pokémon in battle, starting with my team.
Diglett: Earthquake, Slash, Fissure, Sand-Attack
Xatu: Fly, Future Sight, Night Shade, Flash
Bellossom: Petal Dance, Cut, PoisonPowder, Attract
Magby: Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray, Sunny Day
Vileplume: Petal Dance, Acid, Sweet Scent, PoisonPowder
Igglybuff: Headbutt, Dream Eater, Sing, Sweet Kiss
The CPU's team of Pokémon and moves.
Drowzee: Psychic, Headbutt, Dream Eater, Hypnosis
Poliwrath: DynamicPunch, Hydro Pump, DoubleSlap, Mind Reader
Cloyster: Clamp, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon, Withdraw
Blissey: Egg Bomb, Thunder, Defense Curl, Flash
Kingdra: Waterfall, Twister, Frustration, Leer
Kangaskhan: Dizzy Punch, Bite, Surf, Leer
When I first attempted this battle, Kingdra was the lead, and because of this, my team had taken damage, to the point where they cannot reliably handle their opponents, my opponent had Drowzee as the remaining Pokémon, while I only had Vileplume, which was weak to Psychic, and Xatu which was at low HP, and I decided to retry this battle.
This time, Cloyster was the lead, which was preferable as my lead for this battle was Igglybuff, and I would try to put Cloyster to sleep with Sing, then switch to Bellossom and take it out with Petal Dance, I went with Bellossom as I will need Vileplume for when Poliwrath comes in.
Magby does outspeed Kangaskhan, and I will have to make use of Confuse Ray to make sure Kangaskhan has a chance to not attack and hit itself, that way I could take it out with Magby, and if Kingdra is the next Pokémon, I will have to let Magby faint, but not without using Confuse Ray, as well as getting in some damage with Flamethrower or Iron Tail, then I can send in Vileplume to use PoisonPowder, and then have the other Pokémon get in as much damage as they can, and Xatu is there to finish off weakened opponents with Night Shade.
Xatu is the main Pokémon to fight Drowzee, as I can make use of Night Shade against it, or use Future Sight and then Fly. Diglett can take on Blissey with its immunity to Thunder, and its Earthquake can deal over half damage to Blissey, and Vileplume is there to fight Poliwrath, as it resists both of Poliwrath's STAB moves.
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