"Next two qualifiers can be the most incredible ride." Craig Bellamy | Cyfweliad estynedig | Cymru

Описание к видео "Next two qualifiers can be the most incredible ride." Craig Bellamy | Cyfweliad estynedig | Cymru

"The next two qualifiers, they can be the most incredible ride."

Sioned Dafydd sy'n eistedd lawr am sgwrs gyda rheolwr newydd Cymru, Craig Bellamy.

Mae'r sgwrs yn cynnwys Craig Bellamy yn trafod ei yrfa bêl-droed, dylanwad Mark Hughes a Gary Speed ar ei yrfa hyfforddi a dyfodol y tîm cenedlaethol o dan ei arweiniad.

"The next two qualifiers, they can be the most incredible ride."

Sioned Dafydd's interview with the new Wales manager, Craig Bellamy.

The conversation includes Craig Bellamy discussing his football career, the influence of Mark Hughes and Gary Speed ​​on his coaching career and the future of the national team under his leadership.

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