Titan Mustang Ferry Flight

Описание к видео Titan Mustang Ferry Flight

I was engaged by the new owner of this Titan T-51 Mustang to ferry it from Maitland, NSW to Tamworth NSW (Australia). What a ride! She is a beautiful aircraft, with very nice handling and a sound from the Suzuki V6 with the short stack pipes that gives it a growl that is just delightful I am sure you will agree!

The new owner, was pretty chuffed to receive delivery of it and I feel very privileged to have been able to fly this fairly rare bird (even more so in Australia) that few pilots get to experience. It is mostly limited to the builders and their subsequent owners.

I am sure Ryan will have an absolute ball in this machine.

Note: This video features only the sweet sweet sound of that Suzuki V6 with short stack pipes and no background music. If you come expecting that, sorry to disappoint!


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