1910s, Mexico: Rebels & Mexican Soldiers 220744-05 | Footage Farm

Описание к видео 1910s, Mexico: Rebels & Mexican Soldiers 220744-05 | Footage Farm

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For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video.
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Pre-WWI - 1910s, Mexico: Rebels & Mexican Soldiers; Vera Cruz Harbor; Mexico City Military Parade]
Main title.
03:52:39 Mexican soldiers on railroad flatcar in station on tracks next to passenger train. Officers posing, soldiers in window of passenger cars behind leaving & equipment; departing passenger train w/ soldiers.
03:53:10 Title: “Federal Army leaving Mexico City & hiking along - women & children following.” Officer in uniform w/ binoculars on RR car platform, civilian man stands beside. Mexico soldiers beside train, tracks blocked; very young soldiers & others riding & walking along RR tracks toward camera.
03:55:07 Soldiers, others riding horses & teams of mules pull field artillery wagons across tracks.
03:56:23 Title (spanish). Women & kids sit in doorway (brief). Woman toward camera along tracks.
03:56:35 Title (spanish). Mexican rebels w/ sombreros riding past camera w/ rifles & bandoleros. Rebel troops march toward & past camera. Rebel riders; infantry marchers past.
03:58:18 Title (spanish). Pan over rural buildings of town of Vera Cruz. Mexicans (Diaz?) view town from sand dunes. CU Broken windows & damaged buildings.
03:59:19 Title: “Moving the sick & wounded under guard to a place of safety.” Carrying stretchers under Red Cross banners w/ rebel soldiers w/ rifles alongside.
03:59:52 Title: “Infantry & artillery leaving the city.” Moving thru street, infantry following; past storefronts. Town square w/ trees & milling people. Infantry & artillery leaving city. People watching cameraman.
04:01:18 Rebel General Orozco (?) leaving building towards camera.
04:01:21 Title: “Mexican warships at anchor in Vera Cruz harbor...” Two stack ship in harbor from small boat, dry dock in harbor; view of fort.
04:01:53 Title: “Mexican officer inspecting warships & sailors...” Formally dressed naval officers on board ship. View from small boats of two-stack ship or yacht in harbor flying unid. flag. MS large cannon mounted on side.
04:03:04 Title: “Watch Closely Now! General Huerta in the Field.” Men looking thru binoculars. (brief)
04:03:09 Title: “The New Ruler of Mexico, Gen. Carranza.” Men walk along dock including General Carranza & Obregon (?).
04:03:17 Title: “Band & 28th Infantry. Best organization in Mexico City.” Troops in formal dress w/ packs marching before large crowd.
04:03:44 Title: “Rurales. The most picturesque soldiers of Mexico: the eye of the Army - El General Ramirez al frente del cuerpo de rurales.” Mounted riders w/ sombreros following troops before same crowd.
Mexican Border War; Revolution; Dictators; Poverty; Ethnic; Hispanics;
NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: [email protected]


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