"12 разбойников" соло М.Круглов Mikhail Kruglov-The twelve Brigands

Описание к видео "12 разбойников" соло М.Круглов Mikhail Kruglov-The twelve Brigands

Валаам 2019 год Russian basso profondo Mikhail Kruglov
Монастырский сказ

Текст Н.Некрасова

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The Legend of the twelve Robbers

A monastic narrative.

Lyrycs by N.Nekrasov

The paintings are by Russian artists

Refrrain; Let us pray to the God, our Lord,

The anciant event we'll proclaim,

The way it was told on the Solovkies

By honorable monk Pitirim.

There were twelve robbers on the roads

With Kudeyar at the head.

They spilled the blood of the Christians

For so many nights, many days.

They robbed and took so much wealth

Living in the very dense forest.

And Kudeyar himself once stole

From near Kiev a beautiful girl.

He lied with the girl in the day

While making the raids at night.

But one day the fiend was awoken

By remorse sent from the Lord.

Kudeyar left his band

And ceased making raids.

He went to the cloister

To serve God and men.


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