Ball Lightning Sorc Lilith Kill (Pure Insanity)

Описание к видео Ball Lightning Sorc Lilith Kill (Pure Insanity)

Here's the build planner:

And here's a little bit of extra notes for anyone interested in the difference between this and most other Ball Lightning builds. And I really don't think this will get nerfed since the obscenity comes from the seasonal powers.

First of all, you don't need to have anything that deals extra DMG to crowd controlled enemies. The vampiric power "Domination" is overkill even. The main difference of this Ball Lightning build from most others is that it doesn't have a lot glyphs or powers that relies on CC for DMG. This makes the DMG you to do bosses absolutely insane without having to CC them. It also makes it so that enemies are constantly melting without having to proc a stun or cast frost nova. However, you do proc lots of CC yourself, which makes staying alive a bit easier at T100.

The paragon board in this planner is a direct copy of what I'm using right now. You may have to move some nodes around to cap resistances or hit certain breakpoints here and there for some of the nodes.

Once you've hit max resistance in an element, swap a diamond in your accessories for a specific gem to max out whatever resistance is at its lowest. Keep doing this whenever you hit max resistance in something. I ended up having an emerald, amethyst and sapphire in my accessories in order to get max resistances. This made it possible to start dropping All Resistance nodes for more DMG. You can also keep every All Resistance node in the paragons and swap the gems to skulls for Armor. This makes it so you don't have to roll resistance on any piece of your gear, which makes finding gear a lot easier.

I think Fists of Fate is equal to than a perfectly rolled rare glove with Attack Speed, Crit Chance, 5% Chance to Restore Resource on hit, Lightning Crit Dmg with an aspect. The reason for this is because your attack speed is already absolutely mental thanks to the vampiric powers and all your movement speed. You will also cap out your crit chance easily for 3 seconds after each dash thanks to Esu's Heirloom (Which has the same duration as the DMG buff from Godslayer Crown). This means that the crit chance you get from the rare gloves will be useless. A perfectly rolled Fists of Fate increases your DMG by 50% all the time. And on top of that, it will also proc the 47% DMG boost constantly. ~97% dmg should be better than 15% attackspeed + legendary power. (This wouldn't be true if we didn't already have insane attackspeed, and capped out crit chance though. But we do!)

You can also swap out the pants for the new unique pants "Tibault's Will" that generates mana and increases DMG after becoming unstoppable. I just haven't found them yet!


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