Christ to Maria Valtorta "Call Me and I will come" The Calming of the Storm. 30th January 1944.

Описание к видео Christ to Maria Valtorta "Call Me and I will come" The Calming of the Storm. 30th January 1944.

#catholic. #mariavaltorta #poemofthemangod

Jesus then says:
« I will not expound the Gospel in the same sense as everybody else does. I will
elucidate the circumstances preceding the Gospel passage.
Why was I sleeping? Did I perhaps not know that there was going to be a storm? Yes, I knew. Only I knew. Why was I sleeping, then?
storms to break out?” If by My power I should destroy Evil, you would consider
yourselves the authors of Good, which in actual fact is a gift of Mine, and you
would not remember Me any longer. You would never remember Me. My poor
children, you are in need of sorrow to remember that you have a Father. As the
prodigal son remembered he had a father when he was hungry.
Misfortunes persuade you of your nothingness, of your ignorance, which is the
cause of so many errors, or your wickedness, the cause of so much mourning
and grief, of your faults, the cause of the punishments which you inflict upon
yourselves, as well as of My existence, of My power and of My goodness.
The apostles were men, Maria. They were full of good will, but still very much
“men.” Man thinks he is always capable of everything. When he is really
capable of doing something he is full of haughtiness and attachment to his
“ability.” Peter, Andrew, James and John were good fishermen and
consequently they thought they were unexcelled in handling a boat. As far as
they were concerned I was a great “Rabbi”, but a mere nothing as a sailor. Thus
they thought I was unable to help them, and when on the boat to cross the Sea of
Galilee, they begged Me to sit down because I was not capable of doing
anything else. Also their love for Me was behind their attitude, as they did not
want Me to do any material work. But their attachment to their own ability was
greater than their love.
I do not impose Myself, Maria, except in exceptional cases. I generally leave
you free and wait. On that day, tired as I was and being requested to rest, that is
to let them act, clever as they were, I went to sleep. In My sleep there was
mingled also the ascertainment of how man is “man” and wants to do things by
himself without feeling that God asks but to help him. I saw in those “spiritually
deaf men”, in those “spiritually blind men”, all the spiritually deaf and blind
people, who throughout centuries would ruin themselves, because “they wanted
to do by themselves”, although I was bent over their needs awaiting to be asked
to help them.

When Peter shouted: “Save us!”, My bitterness dropped like a stone. I am not
“man”, I am the God-Man. I do not behave as you do. When someone rejects
your advice or your help, and you see him in trouble, even if you are not so bad
as to rejoice at it, you are uncharitable enough to look at him disdainfully and
indifferently, without being moved by his shouts for help. Your attitude means:
“When I wanted to help you, you did not want me? Well, help yourself now.”
But I am Jesus, I am the Savior. And I save, Maria. I always save as soon as I
am asked to.

The poor men might object: “In that case, why do You allow single or storms to break out?” If by My power I should destroy Evil, you would consider
yourselves the authors of Good, which in actual fact is a gift of Mine, and you
would not remember Me any longer. You would never remember Me. My poor
children, you are in need of sorrow to remember that you have a Father. As the
prodigal son remembered he had a father when he was hungry collective.

Misfortunes persuade you of your nothingness, of your ignorance, which is the
cause of so many errors, or your wickedness, the cause of so much mourning
and grief, of your faults, the cause of the punishments which you inflict upon
yourselves, as well as of My existence, of My power and of My goodness.

That is what today's Gospel teaches you. “Your” Gospel of the present time, my
poor children. Call Me. Jesus does not need sleep except when He is in anguish
because He sees that He is not loved by you. Call Me and I will come. »


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