Roblox Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 [Full Walkthrough]

Описание к видео Roblox Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 [Full Walkthrough]

I’m naturally deaf, so I can’t add the music, sorry

You are invited to the old factory. They disappeared, long story. Explore the old factory before it's too late!

Scripting- pauloprst
Building- CTPEMEP_MAX, REAKERGA, and DaRealToonyDev
Animating- M_Sanya, Mat4czer and MAKILATIGERS
GFX Maker- piemelcactus
Debugger- 0ereased
Tester- bartekboguda and 0ereased

A Poppy Playtime Game Based on Mob Games Poppy Playtime



Информация по комментариям в разработке