WTF is a Gumroad?

Описание к видео WTF is a Gumroad?

If you're new to my channel (and you most likely are because I just started it), you have probably heard or seen mention of my Gumroad and may be curious to what that is. Short answer: Gumroad is Etsy meets Patreon but nerdier. Long Answer: Watch the video and get a quick overview of the different digital resources I have available.

Free Downloads:
Confirmed by JCB : clarifications, guidelines, mythbusters etc confirmed by either Jon Collins Black himself or via weblink. A dash of theory in there.
The Appalachian Trail Box: The Little Rock Pond Theory
The Appalachian Trail Box: Map Grid Overlay
Handy Resources: Stuff that I find useful when researching my hunt.

$1 Stuff:
The Appalachian Trail Box: .xls file with the 14 states and a collection of their state symbols, motto's, coins, etc.
The Forrest Fenn Box: Poetry Analysis (which I also have a free YouTube video covering).

Adding more as I collect info!

My Gumroad site ( contains digital files (.pdfs, .doc, .xls, etc. etc) of all things There's Treasure Inside ... except my personal theories on the Appalachian Footpath box ( those I am keeping close to my chest). There is a lot of information (and misinformation) regarding the John Collins-Black treasure hunts and I am new to treasure hunting so I am trying to keep everything straight. There are so many treasure hunt communities out there that have so many ideas and years of experience to learn from, but a lot of the information is duplicative across communities.

Even if you are just getting your book, it's not too late to start, the best ideas come from fresh perspectives. But if you want a quick way to catch up, I've got a bunch of free resources to use to catch up on the basics and the widely accepted theories. I am but one woman, so I can not cover all of them, but the things I find interesting, I like to document and share.

I also like to compile all the videos that I can find and make playlists by box/category so don't forget to check those out.

Official There's Treasure Inside website:

My Links:
   / @themgmtat  
  / themanagementat  

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