
Описание к видео #EndOfYearTarotTag

Here’s Chanel's ‪@chaneldays‬ video for 2024’s #EndOfYearTarotTag :    • #endofyeartarottag | reflection on th...  
Like Chanel, I did not just focus on decks acquired this year; I went with my whole collection. I focused exclusively on tarot here with the exception of the question about pairings.
01:21 Deck you used the most this year
04:41 Deck you didn’t use at all (or barely used)
06:37 Most recent addition
10:02 Deck that isn’t your usual style
12:21 Favourite deck pairing
15:33 Deck mod, bag, or any accessory (bought or made)
16:48 Favourite deck backs
17:46 Deck with a great theme
20:11 Deck you are in love with
22:28 Deck you wish existed (or OOP deck you want)
24:30 Which card sums up this year as a whole (or a card you like)
27:29 Tarot practice reflection
32:03 Pull a card for the new year OR or a deck you want to use next year

Find my deck, An Arboreal Ogam:

Read my book reviews:
  / laura  


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