Perfect score in Raiders of the Lost Ark - Atari 2600

Описание к видео Perfect score in Raiders of the Lost Ark - Atari 2600

Highest score possible. I did not use the gun or grenade (the staff of Ra should be used to enter the Temple), I uncovered the Flying Yar in the Mesa field (4:04) and I got the programmer's signature (HSW2) on the final screen, indicating a perfect run through the game.

1. Get the whip
2. Get the flute and make it play.
3. Stand on basket (you get the key) and then wait for staff of Ra to appear in inventory.
4. Select staff, then enter temple via right wall and take lower exit right.
5. Use whip to escape.
6. Enter inner temple and take coins and Ankh.
7. Leave, enter again and take one more bag of coins.
8. Leave inner temple, then use Ankh to transport yourself to Mesa field.
9. Use grappling hook to go to bottom mesa, then drop Ankh and select key.
10. Walk down until map appears, then position yourself right above the symbol of Ra. Select staff of Ra when in right position. Do not move or you will fall.
11. Wait for sun to come up and note the location of the Ark on the map. Select the key to leave and go back to walking strip. You can then drop the key, it is no longer needed.
12. Go down, then take exit bottom right. Do not let the thieves touch you.
13. On the black market, buy shovel with two bags of coins.
14. Go back to inner temple and take coins, Ankh, Chai and hourglass. Make sure the Chai is right before the Ankh in your inventory, this is important.
15. Go back to market, buy parachute
16. Descend to top of mesa field, use hourglass to activate grappling hook.
17. Go to flying saucer mesa, drop hourglass.
18. Select the Chai and walk off the mesa and immediately drop Chai when you start to fall. The Yar will appear. Then quickly activate the Ankh while still falling. You'll get transported back to the mesa field.
19. Navigate to mesa where the Ark is, select parachute.
20. Walk off the mesa field, activate parachute and enter cave below the branch.
21. Avoid the thieves, select shovel and start to dig.


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