Glenstone Modern Art Museum in Potomac, Maryland

Описание к видео Glenstone Modern Art Museum in Potomac, Maryland

In the film I say that I’m not even going to try to narrate my Glenstone experience. I’m only going to show it. Modern art and a modern art museums are almost by definition impossible to encapsulate with a few pithy words any way. I really lucked out by getting a ticket on a Sunday in early June 2021. Actually getting a ticket at any time is an ordeal and a supreme chance of luck. This place is fully booked up past August 2021 and the only shot you have at getting a ticket is to constantly check the website to see if a spot has opened up due to a cancellation. That’s how I got in. The story of Glenstone is as incredible as the actual place. To keep this description from becoming a dissertation I will say this about Glenstone. It’s the perfect example of when the private sector and in particular a person with a lot of wealth and a single vision will always produce something far more spectacular than what the public sector can produce, or even what a company can with all of its various interests and concerns pulling at its attempt to create something great. If only to maximize the return on the companies investment for the sake of the shareholders. Glenstone is a creation without any compromises, because the creator and owner is a billionaire and he doesn’t need to profit from this project. It truly is a place of art for arts sake and it’s beautiful, confusing, absolutely free and the finest example of artistic obsession that I have ever seen. Being there is like being in a dream and well you are. You are in the patrons dream and it is one amazing one.


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