Mike Pompeo Hits Out At Donald Trump In His CPAC Speech | CPAC 2023 LIVE Updates | News18 LIVE

Описание к видео Mike Pompeo Hits Out At Donald Trump In His CPAC Speech | CPAC 2023 LIVE Updates | News18 LIVE

Mike Pompeo Hits Out At Donald Trump In His CPAC Speech | CPAC 2023 LIVE Updates | News18 LIVE

Two leading Republicans took veiled jabs at former President Donald Trump at an annual gathering of conservatives Friday, knocking “celebrity leaders” not in tune with reality while noting winnable elections that had been lost as they urged a party course correction ahead of the 2024 presidential contest.

But their refusal to call him out by name underscored the risks faced by potential and declared challengers worried about alienating Trump’s loyal base.

In their remarks, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley — both of whom served in the Trump administration — offered a snapshot of how the former president’s declared and potential 2024 opponents are trying to delicately navigate his dominant role in the party while looking for ways to differentiate themselves in what could be a nasty and crowded primary contest.

The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the speaker and do not reflect the official policy or standpoint of CNN-News18

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