
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第375席【美人雲肩】


茶品 / 2009年正山小種
蓋碗 / 有田燒藍釉縞紋蓋碗
壺承/ 田聰美藍色鑄造硝子花皿
公道 / 昭和時代藍色硝子公道
水注 / 清代雲肩形制掐絲琺琅銅水注
茶杯 / 明治時代花草岩石紋七寶燒筒杯
茶盤 / 19世紀末美國藍色輪花硝子皿
茶入 / 明治時代七寶燒寶相花紋蓋物
建水 / 民國時代掐絲琺琅花紋建水

🍵今日の茶席 第375回【美人の雲肩】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No. 375 [Beautiful Chinese Shawl]🍵
元史·卷七八·輿服志一 says, "雲肩,制如四垂雲,青緣,黃羅五色,嵌金為之."
Chinese shawl, 雲肩(literally means “cloud shoulders”) are also called 披肩 or 披領, and are a cloth that women in ancient China wrapped around their shoulders and necks. They can be square or round. They originally came from religious clothing.
The oldest one can be seen in the murals of Dunhuang in the Sui dynasty, and as the era descended to the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, cloud shoulders became popular among the general public in the Qing dynasty. They were especially popular as wedding clothes.
Chinese Shawl patterns were very popular as patterns on vessels in the Yuan dynasty. They were also used in the Ming and Qing dynasties, but not to the same extent as in the Yuan dynasty.
This decoration often has the effect of making vessels look luxurious, and has the same effect as clothing.
The shape of the cloud shoulder varies depending on the meaning, but usually there are four, six, or eight petals.
The four clouds are called “四合如意(Four Ruyi Scepters)” and are a combination of the usual ruyi and shawl patterns, like a pendant hanging. It has a very strong sense of layers and rhythmic beauty.
Architect Owen Jones said that this "pendant hanging" is a very Indian feature, reminiscent of Arabia, Persia, and Moor, but the Chinese shawl is actually a common art style in the East.


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