TRLE - Garden of a Twin Arch Bridge

Описание к видео TRLE - Garden of a Twin Arch Bridge

Tomb Raider Level Editor 100% walkthrough : Garden of a Twin Arch Bridge Author by 3ki3ro.

Items: 11Small Medipacks, 4 Large Medipacks, 10 Flares, Uzi, 10 Uzi Ammos, 2 Shotguns, 19 Shotgun Normal Ammos, Revolver, 9 Revolver Ammos, LaserSight, Binoculars, Crossbow, Crossbow Normal Ammo, 2 Crossbow Explosive Ammos, Grenade Gun, 10 Grenadegun Normal Ammos, Gate Key, Token, Ornate Handle, Hathor Effigy, Portal Guardian, Pharos Knot, Horseman's Gem. Secrets: 0/0
Kills: 13 Wild Boars, 15 Skeleton, 27 crocodiles.
All kills, all pickups.


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