Hebrews 11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises,
stopped the mouth of lions.
Emmanuel Makandiwa preaches a sermon on what God has prepared for His people to subdue
kingdoms and dominate. He gives hope to those who might feel that they are in a wrong place assuring
from the word of God how people were created after God had prepared a place on the earth for them
to have dominion over.
There is that kind of faith that helps a believer to subdue kingdoms. Subduing kingdoms means taking
over kingdoms. The word of God is so powerful, not because God gave it power but because the word of
God is God Himself.
Before God created people He created places so there is space for you on earth. Your dominion and
influence is confined to certain territories and places so if you move out of your place of dominance you
will be dominated by something else that owns that territory.
You might be in a wrong place now but there is a place designed for you to dominate. When you are
born in a place the next thing you need to discover is your God given space,
The man of God declared 2018 as the year that you will have multiple godly divine visitations that
cannot even be numbered. There are prayers you made asking God for something and you might have
even forgotten what you asked God for but this year there will be a congestions of answers from the
Lord to His people.


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