How to make holographic chocolate

Описание к видео How to make holographic chocolate

What do you think about this new technique ?!
No food color added, 100% natural.
Between pastry and science.
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Find my creations also in Instagram @jimmyboulay
Music by Ayaka Narukami
Instagram @ayaknaru

Recipe :
Holo praliné

1 220g Almond and hazelnut praline
23g Tea blended into powder

2 15g Cocoa butter Mycryo
32g Beurre noisette
50g Alunga milk chocolate 41%
25g Ocoa dark chocolate 70%

3 50g Feuillantine (blended)
0,5g Salt (fleur de sel)

Mix 1 together. Melt and mix all 2 together. Mix together 1 and 2, then add 3.
Keep in the warmer overnight (1 day) to infuse the tea in the fat of the recipe. (That’s the best but it can be used directly)
Temper like chocolate to reach 25°c and then pipe it.


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