Ispani - Episode 12 - Boilermaking

Описание к видео Ispani - Episode 12 - Boilermaking

Boilermakers are highly skilled construction workers who specialize in the making, installation and repair of boilers, high pressure vats, tanks and other large vessels that contain chemicals, gases, water or other fluids. The work is physically demanding and requires the use of dangerous equipment. Work is done in extreme conditions and often requires travel. Job opportunities for boilermakers should be good; however this work is usually done by contract, so there may be periods of unemployment. Boilermakers, or tradespeople who work in metal fabrication, usually acquire professional skills through apprenticeship, although some may take formal classes at a trade or technical school to become a boilermaker. One way to become a boilermaker is to apply directly for an apprenticeship after graduating from high school. Apprenticeship programs regularly list new job opportunities, and students can also find out about training options through a union, professional organization, or trade school. Apprentices work their way through the ranks as they develop experience. Under the supervision of a skilled boilermaker, they can gradually take on increasingly complex and demanding projects. Eventually, they will be experienced and skilled enough to work independently as part of a shop, and can in turn train apprentices themselves.
Hannes says he has always had a 'feel' for machines and metal, but originally thought it would lead him to working in the motor industry. At school he did math, science and technical drawing and practical work with motors which prepared him for his proposed career in the automotive field. However, once he got a little practical experience under his belt he realized that it was working with metal and his hands that held the strongest appeal for him.


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