A Look Back at 2022 at the Farm

Описание к видео A Look Back at 2022 at the Farm

It’s the last day of 2022 and thinking back to all that has happened here at the farm this year … it has surely been our biggest year yet.

We asked Ben to put it all in a video so we could have a look back together before we head into a fresh new year. And looking back, it’s almost hard to believe all that and more actually happened.

We’ve had some very big happy highs and some very tough heartbreaking lows.

The highs were of course all the beautiful doggies we got to love and welcome to the farm. In 2022, we fostered and trained a total of 67 dogs, plus adopting and welcoming 11 dogs into our own family to live forever at the farm.

We did also experience some significant losses in 2022. One of our puppies was sadly stolen, Mr Yellow (Sunny) passed away sadly born with the worst liver shunt the surgeons had ever seen and of course our dear Faith left us also way too soon from a very aggressive cancer.

Another great loss for us was saying goodbye to our little farm day care in a genuine effort to give the rescue dogs in our care the time they really needed. A very very hard emotional decision for us personally. It sure took it’s toll on us in so many ways. But looking at where Chance, Rosco, Nevaeh and Molly were back then and how they were only going backwards. To where they are right now … we know 100% in our heart we made the right decision as much as it wasn’t understandably a popular decision at the time.

We haven’t chosen the easier of paths this year, but we do feel we end 2022 with our hearts full to the brim with love from all the doggies that have benefited from spending time in our care here at the farm.

To those that have supported us this year, we thank you. With everything we have, we sincerely thank you. We could not have done what we have in 2022 without you. Support to us, is absolutely everything. A kind encouraging word. A heartfelt letter of love and care. A small thoughtful gift for our family. We have followers that support us through membership and financial contribution and it has helped us to no end in affording the food and vet bills required to care for so many dogs this year. We thank you. And then finally, to all our community for watching our videos. Volunteering us your precious time for sometimes up to two hours a day! Wow. You all together have helped us make this achievable month on month. Our family and the doggies all thank you.

We’re very excited about what 2023 might bring. What new faces will we meet, help and fall in love with. Together.

We hope the new year brings you all much love and happiness or whatever it is you are hoping for in 2023. Thank you again, for helping us and being there for us throughout 2022. We look forward to sharing with you all, the farm again in 2023.

Thank you.


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