Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies tests

Описание к видео Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies tests

Please watch the video and read the entire description for full details, then feel free to leave a comment if you have one. This is a test of the second replacement Teddy Ruxpin I got from toyzthattalk and it's also a test of the Teddy Ruxpin Lullabies tape I just bought on eBay, as you can tell, things aren't going too well with the tape, for whatever reason one side of the tape doesn't play correctly, it sounds as if the tape deck is crinkling up the tape or creasing the tape, also you can clearly tell that the tape isn't playing too well, the sound is muffled on one side and the playback speed is uneven, when I rewound the cassette and played the other side things were a little better, but even so at the start of the tape the speed wasn't very stable. This replacement Teddy Ruxpin has done similar things with 3 other tapes I've tested in it, but I'll need to test more of my tapes with this Teddy Ruxpin and see if I can work out what's going on here. I don't know if this issue is with my tapes or with the Teddy Ruxpin. My tapes are in good condition, when I play them in other cassette players, they play just fine without any serious issues. I don't really understand it.


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