Vajrai Waterfall Vlog - Part 1 | Maharashtra | Weekendgetaway | Pune To Satara |

Описание к видео Vajrai Waterfall Vlog - Part 1 | Maharashtra | Weekendgetaway | Pune To Satara |

Bhambavli - Vajrai Waterfall

Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall is the tallest waterfall of India. The height of this waterfall is 1840 ft (560m) and it falls from a straight cliff having three steps (stages). The water for waterfall comes from the river Urmodi. It is origin of river Urmodi. The waterfall is situated in district of Satara in western Maharashtra. It is about 5 km away from well-known Kas Flower Valley and 2 km away from Bhambavli Flower Valley.

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Waterfalls near Pune
Tallest waterfall
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Places to visit near Satara
Places to visit near Pune
Weekend getaway near Pune
Weekend getaway near Mumbai
Weekend Road trip

Stay Location: The Red Fort resort. Satara


Music credit : Cosmic Drift
Top Flow

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