Face lifting exercises for jowls and smile lines (10 mins, Super easy)

Описание к видео Face lifting exercises for jowls and smile lines (10 mins, Super easy)

Try this once or twice a day and you will start to see a noticeable difference in your jaw area.

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Bio: I was born in South Korea. Since I was a child, I've lived in the Midwest of the United States :)
I am also an interior designer. My Interior Design website is: aparkdesign.com.

Please leave any feedback in the comments section below. Thank you for watching!
My other videos:
-Do this everyday for 10 min and look 10 years younger!!
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-GUA SHA TO ERASE FROWN LINES & DOUBLE CHIN - Follow along tutorial. (Super easy)
-Let's get rid of wrinkles from the inside out! Very effective.

Time line:
00:00 Introduction
00:06 Stage 1. loosen jaw area
00:50 Stage 2. Firm up cheek area
01:23 Stage 3. Smile lines
01:55 Stage 4. Move Tongue
02:59 Stage 5. Chicken lips
03:31 Stage 6. Puker lips
03:52 Stage 7. Move jaw
04:24 Stage 8. Nasolabial folds
04:57 Stage 9. Shake cheeks
05:29 Stage 10. Squeeze lips
06:12 Stage 11. Nasolabial fold
06:44 Stage 12. Blow cheeks
07:04 Stage 13. Blow up & down
07:26 Stage 14. Blow left & right
07:48 Stage 15. Roll tongue counter clock
08:11 Stage 15. Roll tongue clock wise
08:33 Stage 16. 33 Make eo, eo sound
08:54 Stage 17. Tap Face
09:26 Stage 18. Stretch neck


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