Vinit Goenka "CBI Director Alok Verma returns to his duties after 77 days of forced leave"

Описание к видео Vinit Goenka "CBI Director Alok Verma returns to his duties after 77 days of forced leave"

Channel Name : NewsX
Date of Broadcast :(09th Jan 2019)
Time of Broadcast :10:00 hrs. IST
Anchor Name : Rishika Baruah (@rishika625)

#vinitgoenka #bjp #narendramodi #jpnadda #bjpdelhi #BJP4India #BJP4Delhi #Spokesperson #BJPSocialMedia #BJPlive #Modi #BJPTopSpokesperson #democracy #Indiandemocracy #ThoughtFullBJP #BJPStars #BJPITCell #BJPIntellectuals #BJPinelection #BJPPolicy #bharat #hindustan

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