Effective Pavement Preservation by Identifying Distress Conditions, Causes and Cures

Описание к видео Effective Pavement Preservation by Identifying Distress Conditions, Causes and Cures

Effective Pavement Preservation by Identifying Distress Conditions, Causes and Cures - Federal Highway Administration 2002 - Video VH-358 - A road-tour of pavement distress conditions. Photos of the distress condition are shown while the narrator explains possible causes and lists cures that can range from the simple, quick and low-cost solution to the complete, full-depth reconstruction of the pavement. Flexible, asphalt pavement distress conditions include: transverse cracking, block cracking, longitudinal cracking (joint cracking, wheel track cracking, alligator cracking), edge cracking, rutting, corrugations (wash-boarding), debonding, raveling, potholes, and bleeding (flushing). Rigid, concrete pavement distress conditions include: transverse cracking, longitudinal cracking, pumping, faulting, transverse joint spalling, wear and polishing, shallow reinforcing, D-cracking (durability), corner cracking, and blowups. Video stresses rapid response to distress conditions, as early pavement preservation will be more cost effective than later reconstruction.


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