Drupal Distributions & Recipes Initiative Update

Описание к видео Drupal Distributions & Recipes Initiative Update

Jim Birch

At DrupalCon Portland in April, Dries proposed a new initiative: Drupal Starter Templates. This proposal has led to the creation of the Distributions & Recipes initiative.

Recipes add value for new and existing Drupal installs by lowering the time needed to configure or install common Drupal use cases, like a blog, e-commerce, or API-based content delivery. A recipe is installed once but does not have the ongoing association and maintenance distributions bring today. And more than one recipe can be installed on a Drupal site.

This session will provide an update on the initiative. We will discuss and demonstrate the current progress and highlight the remaining efforts. We will present recipes that exist today, like the "standard profile" recipe replacement and the Thunder recipe. We will leave time for questions and discussion.


Информация по комментариям в разработке