Stone Wall Aggression: Dabuz Player Analysis

Описание к видео Stone Wall Aggression: Dabuz Player Analysis

Tournament Gameplay:
Beyond the Summit: ‪@BTSsmash‬
VGBootCamp: ‪@vgbootcamp‬

Click to check out Love of the Fight:

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Music Used:
Mewmore // Green Light -    • Mewmore // Green Light  
Mewmore // Abandoned Ship (Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Remix) -    • Mewmore // Abandoned Ship (Pokémon Ru...  
Mewmore // Ilex Forest (Pokémon Gold & Silver Remix) -    • Mewmore // Ilex Forest (Pokémon Gold ...  

Outro Music:
Goldenrod city lo-fi -    • Goldenrod city lo-fi  

Secret Word: “DALIGHT”

#SmashBros #rosalina #dabuz


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